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Our hastily growing enterprise is affianced in manufacturing and exporting high quality Industrial Ethernet Layer 3 Switches. Under the stern observation of our diligent professionals, these switches are efficiently manufactured using high grade materials. These switches are used for providing a network connection between the attached computers. Moreover, these Industrial Ethernet Layer 3 Switches are offered at industry leading prices to our clients.
1. What is an Ethernet switch at Layer 3?
Ans - A Layer 3 switch essentially operates as a switch that also has routing capabilities. A client computer needs a default gateway to connect at layer 3 to distant subnets.
2. What purposes do Layer 3 switches serve?
Ans - Given the necessity to segregate distinct regions, junctions, or types of data (video, image, and signals), Layer 3 switches are most frequently employed to provide routing between VLANs.
3. Switches at Layer 3 employ IP addresses?
Ans - Each interface on Layer 3 switches has a unique IP address. Some devices feature a factory default used for installation-related troubleshooting, such as 10.157. 22.154. The address is located on unit 1/slot 1/ port 1 for Layer 3 switches.
4. How can I identify Layer 3 switches?
Ans - Look at the switch's product code. A Layer 3 switch is one whose name ends in "EMI." It might just be a layer 2 switch if it says "SMI." A hardware upgrade is required to move the device from Layer 2 to Layer 3.